Enter your title i.e. Manager; Personal Banker; Appraiser
The email address must be of the form: [email protected]
Please be sure to double check the email address you have entered because reports you purchase will be emailed to this address. Also, transaction receipts will be emailed to this address. The email address will only be used by Landcor for the purposes that you specify.
Enter the user name you would like to use when logging into the site. If the user name you have entered is the same as a user name another user has already chosen, you will be instructed to choose another user name. Examples: john_smith; jsmith; johns
Enter a password that will be easy for you to remember but difficult for someone else to guess. The password must be at least 8 characters in length with at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one special character (of the following: ~!@#$%^&*-_). Examples: Gr@nv1lle1, L0gger-25
Re-enter the password you entered in the Password field. You must re-enter the password so Landcor can verify that you entered in the password as you intended.
Enter a secret question that will be asked to you by the Landcor support so that your identity can be verified (for example if you forget your password).